Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A new week

I made up my mind that Monday would be the day I start my new routine...the pool had to be first! It was quite chilly (42 degrees--above zero) when I walked to the pool. However, the 91 degree water was worth the brisk walk. The pool was steaming and we must have looked like some old wrinkled bodies boiling away to anyone who passed by. I felt so good after my walk and water exercise. It gave me energy to tackle more technology challenges that we had been putting off.
Our first project was to hook up and activate our new Sirius FM radio that we got for Christmas. I almost convinced Gary to just pay someone at Best Buy to do it for us, but when he found out what they charged, he decided that we could do it ourselves. I get a real anxious feeling when I'm doing something that is way above my pay grade...anything that involves reading a series of directions written by someone in India who already knows how these things work falls into that category. He worked on the stringing wires in the car and I got on the computer to activate our license. Wonder of all wonders, we got it to work! Next, we debated if we should go buy a new TV for our ROKU or try one more time to get it to play on the current TV that is in our living room. One call to Cox communications solved our problems and we now can watch movies on demand from Netflix as well as get our DVD player to work. We were on a roll! Now that we have both our Nook ereaders working, we should be set for the rest of the winter. I've toyed with the idea of getting a new cell phone, but I think I'd be pushing my luck to get yet one more gadget to work. Enough is enough!
Monday evening Joyce and Bz (pronounced beez) Wiper picked us up and we went to Dubs for a hamburger and beer. It's a popular restaurant only a couple of blocks away and a very crowded place on Mondays for retirees as they have some half-price specials! We had a nice visit with them and they stopped in afterwards for a couple great games of rummy. Unfortunately, the guys won both of them!
Tuesday I made it to the pool again; it was equally as cold today as it was yesterday. I must say it's invigorating to walk home in the chilly air after a swim in a nice warm pool. After lunch I played my first afternoon of bridge with the ladies at the club...I didn't play well, I might add, but it was fun to see so many familiar faces again. I didn't remember any names; I've pretty much given up on that effort and I just smile and say hello. Tonight we watched a terrible movie about a wedding; it was so bad that I can't even remember the title; I know I won't be recommending it to anyone! It did warm up this afternoon to the high 60's and the sun felt really good!

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