Saturday, February 26, 2011

Another week gone!

I decided I'd better write in my blog tonight before I forget all about what went on this week. It was another cool NO morning trips to the pool. That meant that I forced myself to take a long walk most every day instead. I much prefer time in the pool, however! Tuesday afternoon I played was a "mediocre" day for cards, but I enjoyed it. After bridge we were invited to Zwak's motor home in View Point for a cocktail/pizza party. All the couples there were Lake Metigoshe residents. We had a fun evening.
Wednesday I started to knit another bag to "felt." I got a good start on it; early in the evening Faye called to say they wanted to come for a last evening of 6-handed pinochle before they left AZ. We had 3 games; guys-2, girls-1. Darn! Zwaks and Bernsteins were leaving on Thursday.
Thursday after my walk, I decided it was time to clean house and do laundry. I think we were home alone all day so it was a day of R&R (and knitting.) Friday morning John and Terri Hauge came for coffee. About 11 Terri & I headed for the pool and actually got some sun and had a great visit. It was so good to see them and hear news from home. Friday afternoon I ran to Stein Mart to check out the bargains and found a couple of things. Friday night I had Mac and Tim here for a chicken dinner. I haven't forgotten completely how to cook yet!
Saturday morning I dashed to "Great Clips" for a much-needed haircut. Spent the rest of the morning trying to make my hair not look like it had just been cut! We picked Terri & John up about 1 and headed for O'Sullivans to watch the Sioux vs. Bemidji State. Terri and I detoured to the yarn shop before the game started so we could get some more supplies. The game was great! 5-1 Sioux! I was sitting at a long table with a large group of Sioux fans. The lady across the table from me finally asked me what my name was and we discovered that we were in the same pledge class at UND more than 50 years ago! What a small world! We had a great visit! I reminded her that I had even been to her wedding. She did look familiar, but I couldn't figure out where I had seen her until she asked me who I was...
We got home by 6 and spent the evening watching the movie "Precious." It was a very dark movie...sad!

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