Monday, April 25, 2011

Eat, eat, eat

These past few days have not turned out like I planned. Had hoped to eat up some odds and ends from our cupboards and frig, but instead we found ourselves going out nearly every day! Wednesday I had my hair cut after I went for a walk. I spent quite a bit of time cleaning cupboards, closets, etc. in preparation for our trip home. Thursday I did more of the same and got lots crossed off my list of things to do. Thursday & Friday I made it back to the pool. Friday night we took Tim & Mac to Saguaro Lake for the fish fry. They came in when we got home and we played some card games.
Saturday afternoon Gary & I played our last round of golf for this season. It was beautiful on the course and we were able to play in a 2-some; felt like we had the course almost to ourselves. I think I had my best round all year. Saturday night we drove up to Apache Junction to a western bar to meet Gordy & Peggy for one last dinner with them.
Sunday morning we went to church at 10; we came home, changed clothes, and drove over to Billy & Geraldine Siercks for Easter dinner. Jackie, Vince, Kayla and Mychal were there too. We had a wonderful meal and great visit. We played about 8 games of pinochle before heading home about 10p.m. It was a very nice day!

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