Finally on Monday, the 28th, I got back into my routine of going to the pool in the mornings. Monday night we did our weekly burger and beer at Dubs and went to Wipers for a visit afterward. Tuesday evening we had neighbors in for some pinochle card games and Wednesday night we were invited to Mac's for some great home-made lemon pie that a gal from Grand Forks (Audrey) had made for us.
Thursday morning we were on the road to Palm Springs by 8:30 a.m. The traffic was pretty heavy getting out of town...otherwise, the drive over was uneventful. We stopped at Audrey's first and got situated. Then we headed to Cathedral City to see the cousins. It was HOT! We had great hors d'oeuvres and drinks (mostly ice water) at Nadine's. Everyone had arrived by the time we got there.
Friday morning we girls met at Stein Mart and spent a few hours shopping. It was 103 degrees! I think I was a near candidate for a heat stroke by noon. We met Cal & Julie at the Kona Grill and enjoyed a leisurely lunch in air conditioning! Then we drove over to see the RV park where they have been staying. In the evening we all met at Pete & Mona's for a dinner that Judie had prepared.
Saturday morning we were up and out early as we wanted to shop at the swap meet at College of the Desert. It was another 103 degree day! Needless to say, we had to shop FAST in order to get out of there before we melted. We did manage to find quite a few things that we really needed!
At noon we met Cal and Julie at the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. After lunch, Julie rode with us to Nadine's and we met Danny & Maxine there so the four of us had a relaxing afternoon of bridge...except that Julie & I got beat!! That evening we were at Pete's again for another great meal that Mona had prepared.
Sunday morning we were up early and went to church with Audrey, Hank and Joyce (Audrey's sister). After church Hank took us to lunch at Esconsa Country Club. It is an absolutely beautiful golf course and club house. In the afternoon Gary & I went by ourselves to a "Musical Tribute to our Troops" at the Palm Spring Air Museum. Ariana Savales (daughter of Kojak) was the only name that we recognized, but the program was lots of fun! After that, we drove over to Nadines and Les & Kay Vea took all of us to a very nice Chinese restaurant for our last meal together. We had a great time looking at old family pictures and reading some letters that our parents had written each other years ago. It was a fun evening of memories!
We got back to Audrey's early so I taught them how to play "Farkle" before we hit the rack. The heat had subsided by Sunday (thankfully) so we weren't quite as exhausted as we were Fri/Sat.
Monday morning we were on the road home by 9:00. We took a longer, more scenic route through Yuma and by the Salton Sea. The roads on this route were much better and the views were much more interesting than taking HWY 10...however, it was about 100 miles further. We had lunch in Yuma at Olive Garden. We got home just in time for our weekly burger. Afterwards we stopped at Bz & Joyce's and had a couple games of rummy.
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