Monday, April 11, 2011


Saturday it rained about 1/2 inch. We made use of the inclement weather (!) to do some shopping. Saturday afternoon we went to church and were pleasantly surprised that many snow-birds have left so there is room to park and sit in the comfortable pews! Saturday night we watched a great movie "Simon Birch." It is one of the best we've seen this winter. A real tear-jerker too!
Sunday we had a lazy morning. In the afternoon we drove to Phoenix to visit Billy & Geraldine Siercks. We played 12 games of pinochle...5 regular games (women 3, men 2) and 7 games of race-horse pinochle (women 4, men 3). Geraldine had a great meal prepared for us--as usual! We didn't get home until 11 p.m. Very late for us!

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